Stray Dogs: A voice for the speechless. ACF to draft Laws for Better Management.

Reading Time: 4 minutes In response to the dire situation of mistreated stray dogs in Pakistan, the Supreme Court has mandated the Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) to draft humane regulations for managing their population. ACF, a prominent non-profit animal rescue organization, has been actively addressing the needs of injured, homeless, and abused animals since its inception in 2013. The growing stray dog population poses risks like food shortages, disease transmission, and human safety concerns due to rabies. Globally recognized methods such as neutering and non-surgical approaches are potential solutions, but their implementation requires immediate action. Establishing animal shelters and launching awareness campaigns are vital steps toward creating a safer and more compassionate environment for both humans and animals in Pakistan.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A great deal of effort is being done by several international bodies to protect the rights of animals, nonetheless, a large population of stray animals are still mistreated and face a variety of problems. Whether it is the shortage of food and clean water or the outbreak of animal diseases, these animalsā€™ health and overall well-being are influenced adversely. The improper management by authorities can make these poor animals struggle to survive in harsh climatic conditions, which can, more often than not, prove to be fatal. There seems to be no end to issues faced by stray animals.

The situation is especially poor in third-world countries. This is because an insufficient amount of budget is allocated to the projects that can help these animals or at least spread awareness amongst citizens on how to treat them. The results can be seen in the form of mistreatment towards animals. Not having the ability to speak puts them at a further disadvantage and they canā€™t communicate their pain and suffering to the people. Among all of these animals, stray dogs are the most neglected and mistreated animals in Pakistan.

According to the Bulletin Blog, there are around 3 million stray dogs in Pakistan, and the population continues to multiply rapidly. The absence of proper management in providing protection to these animals, and meeting their needs, has caused many problems. Due to insufficient care, the strays are not vaccinated, so if they happen to bite anyone, even if it is out of self-defence, the person will need intense treatment.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has finally taken a great initiative in this regard and ordered Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) to draft the rules and regulations which can help control the population of stray dogs in Pakistan.

Hearing of Petition in the Supreme Court

A petition was filed in 2021 regarding the cruel treatment of stray dogs by citizens and the proceedings of the case were being carried out in different high courts, initially. The hearing of the said petition, at last, took place in the Supreme Court of Pakistan on 7th April this year.Ā 

In the petition, the situation reported is expected to get worse, if the population of stray dogs is not controlled. Considering the legal procedures and analyzing the importance of the issue, the supreme court ordered the ACF, which was one of the petitioners, to draft the regulations to control the stray dog population, humanely. The case was a huge benchmark for making the country a better and safe place for stray animals. When the population will be controlled, it would become easy for the government to come up with projects to provide food and shelter to a large number of stray dogs.Ā 

ACF and its contributions

Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2013, and is based in Karachi. The main objective of this animal rescue organization is to help and rescue injured, homeless, and abused animals. The animals are kept in the shelters and provided with food and other necessities. Labour animals are also taken care of by the organization. Moreover, animals suffering from diseases are provided with medical treatment. It is the first and by far the largest, non-profit animal rescue and welfare organization working in Pakistan. ACF has helped more than 30,000 animals and is still working on expanding its efforts.Ā 

Risks associated with the rising population of stray dogs

The rise in the population of stray dogs can cause problems such as a shortage of food. Homelessness, as a result of an absence of shelters for stray dogs, can make them a victim of other stray animals, reptiles, and even humans. In these circumstances, the absence of proper veterinary services for stray dogs can lead to the spread of diseases and injuries that can lead to death.

On the other hand, stray dogs can cause harm to humans and their property. According to ScienceDirect, Pakistan is one of the top five countries affected by rabies, with a mortality rate of 2000-5000 deaths per year, as a result of dog bites. And if the population keeps on increasing, the loss of human lives will continue to occur.Ā 

Methods practiced worldwide to control animalsā€™ population

One of the ways, practiced in different parts of the world, to control the population of stray dogs, is neutering. It is a surgical process and is performed by removing animalsā€™ gonads, making them unable to reproduce. Castration is the removal of testes while Spaying is the removal of ovaries and the uterus. The process is performed under general anesthesia and is painless for the animals.Ā 

Apart from this, different non-surgical methods can also be used in this regard that involves injections and chemical methods to control animalsā€™ hormones. Both the surgical and non-surgical methods are effective in animal birth control but they can have some side effects too, like the animal can gain some weight, etc.


It is an irrefutable fact that a rise in the population of stray dogs can lead to a large number of issues. First, providing them with their needs will become even more challenging for the authorities. Second, they can become a medium for spreading different diseases among themselves and humans.Ā 

In countries like Pakistan, these problems do not get sufficient attention, but they are extremely important. If the concerned authorities fail to address this issue in time, and in a proper manner, the citizens will have to face drastic consequences.Ā 

Not only should steps be taken for stray dog population control, but different projects should be introduced and launched for the welfare of the animals. Animal shelters need to be established in different cities to provide healthcare services, food, and shelter to homeless animals.Ā 

In addition to that, different awareness campaigns should be launched spreading knowledge regarding matters like how to treat stray dogs, and how to protect yourself in case a stray-dog attacks. Doing so will make the place, and eventually the nation, safe for both humans and animals.

Kashmala Khalid

Pluviophile, nyctophile, ambivert, professional bookworm and unapologetically feminist to the core.

Published by
Kashmala Khalid

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